William Warren

London based product and furniture designer

How to Make an Entrance

The Robert Clack School in Dagenham received funding from the Building Schools for the Future programme to rebuild and refurbish one of their two school sites. Creative Partnerships engaged William to work alongside a group of forty five Robert Clack pupils, to ensure that the students who will be using the new school have a say in its design and to benifit the students with the learning opportunities this process presented.

William and the students centred their thinking on the school’s entranceways and through a process of discussion and analysis delivered a critical look at the existing site. The students observations and recommendations were presented to the school’s teaching staff and made into a book which is intended to be given to the appointed architects as part of their briefing, so that the students work can directly inform the design of the new building.

“Our aim is to help improve the school and make it more welcoming for the community. When visiting Robert Clack, we think visitors are disappointed. Although they are aware of our good results, the school doesn’t give off a good impression.” Robert Clack student

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