Posts Tagged ‘educational’
Where have all the rabbits gone?
This will be a free downloadable gift developed for a research project with Brighton University. Link to ‘Bitrwapped’, an online giftshop.
The brief was to design gifts that could be sold and delivered online without the need for manufactured goods. The project is an attempt to help people select and give more relevant personal gifts and to eliminate some of the environmental impact of producing, transporting and disposing of short life gifts that often only exist in order to satisfy the…
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myplace youth centres
Design consultant for the Sorrell Foundationon, helping to develop four new youth centres… The centres are to be built over the next two years (2010 -2011)
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Building Superclients
In June 2010, William ran a workshop for the Sorrell Foundation, aimed at building ‘Superclients’. Young people from Croydon and Kingston were given information on designing educational environments so that they would be able to disseminate this knowledge to their peers over the coming year.
The graphic seen above is part of the toolkit publication, an interactive digital publication that documents the process they went through at the workshop. The toolkit will act as a reminder and provides the young people with resources…
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the bridges of london
‘The long sentence by which we learn various crossings across brown waters’ is a mnemonic sentence I conceived to help learn the road bridges across the Thames.
If you can manage to generate a better graphic to communicate this piece of information then I’d love to see it. I don’t think these ones are very good.
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Hampton Court Palace
In February and March 2010, William was employed as designer in residence at Hampton Court Palace.
Hampton Court Palace is really two palaces in one. The front of the Palace is tudor and well known for its connections to Henry the Eighth. The Back of the Palace was built in 1689 by Christopher Wren for the monarchs William and Mary. It is considered to be the english Versailles and an amazing example of high Boroque. Unlike the tudor palace, the baroque…
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How to Make an Entrance
The Robert Clack School in Dagenham received funding from the Building Schools for the Future programme to rebuild and refurbish one of their two school sites. Creative Partnerships engaged William to work alongside a group of forty five Robert Clack pupils, to ensure that the students who will be using the new school have a say in its design and to benifit the students with the learning opportunities this process presented.
William and the students centred their thinking on the school’s…
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New York Street Art Colouring Book
This is the second Street Art Colouring Book. The newer book is based in New York, the birthplace of modern Graffiti, and it covers the development of the art-form. There are pieces from well known New York writers featured, as well as more pieces from the Vop crew who generated the artwork for the first book.
Both books are printed and distributed by Worldwide Co. They have sold upwards of 25,000 copies to date.
Buy the New York Street Art colouring book…
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Street Art Colouring Book
The first colouring book is based in south London and teaches Graffiti students the basic principles and styles of Street Art, through a number of photographs of iconic but scruffy London scenes that can be coloured in. The pieces in the book were created by the infamous South London crew, the Vopstars.
Buy the Street Art colouring book on Amazon
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3D Doodle Kit
A drawing kit that contains a red and blue coloured pencil and a pair of 3D glasses. By holding the pencils at a set distance apart whilst wearing the glasses, it is possible to produce images that jump from the page.
The science museum have ordered so many sets that they now have their own packaging for the product. Product manufactured and distributed by Worldwide Co. Original concept from 2004.
Click here to go to the 3Ddoodle kit on Worldwide Co.’s website
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FFF Workbench and Stools
The FFF Workbench is designed to better suit the developments in the new curriculum for secondary school Design and Technology lessons. It has a replaceable Linoleum top for written and drawing work and a solid beech edge for more demanding practical work. The Lino has a graphic in the centre that aims to provide ‘Incidental learning’ by showing technical details in everyday objects such as radius, inside diameter, cubic measurements and isometric views. The workbench has rulers set into its…
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