Posts Tagged ‘puzzle’
Where have all the rabbits gone?
This will be a free downloadable gift developed for a research project with Brighton University. Link to ‘Bitrwapped’, an online giftshop.
The brief was to design gifts that could be sold and delivered online without the need for manufactured goods. The project is an attempt to help people select and give more relevant personal gifts and to eliminate some of the environmental impact of producing, transporting and disposing of short life gifts that often only exist in order to satisfy the…
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the bridges of london
‘The long sentence by which we learn various crossings across brown waters’ is a mnemonic sentence I conceived to help learn the road bridges across the Thames.
If you can manage to generate a better graphic to communicate this piece of information then I’d love to see it. I don’t think these ones are very good.
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Weave Stool
Inspired by traditional woven topped seating, this stool is made from four identical plywood forms that weave together to form the seat and legs. The stools are veneered in natural ash or black ash.
The stools were launched at the British Design Embassy during the Milan Design Festival in April 2009.
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Digitalish Door Number
Combine the plates together and twist out the tabs to create your house number.
The door numbers are photo-etched in brass. This is a process of screen printing in stop out varnish and etching which is normally used in electronics. A a process it is able to create relatively fine detail at low cost in small production runs.
Designed in collaboration with Carl Clerkin.
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